In order to extract grid data to add it to custom tables, you would have to couple it with an actual form export with the grid.
Disclaimer: This information is subject to change
--@cashflow is a parameter passing in the grid question json data
--gridCellValues[0] references the first row of the grid
--‘$.”Qtr 1”’ references the column in the row
set @capy1q1=(select * from openjson(@cashflow,'$.gridCellValues[0]') WITH(vcInvestCapitalY1Q1 varchar(15) '$."Qtr 1"'))
set @capy1q2=(select * from openjson(@cashflow,'$.gridCellValues[0]') WITH(vcInvestCapitalY1Q2 varchar(15) '$."Qtr 2"'))
set @capy1q3=(select * from openjson(@cashflow,'$.gridCellValues[0]') WITH(vcInvestCapitalY1Q3 varchar(15) '$."Qtr 3"'))
set @capy1q4=(select * from openjson(@cashflow,'$.gridCellValues[0]') WITH(vcInvestCapitalY1Q4 varchar(15) '$."Qtr 4"'))
--inserts the grid rows into a custom table as separate rows/records
insert into tblInvestments(unqInstance_GUID,chInvestmentType,vcWBSCategoryCode,vcWBSCategoryName,intSortOrder,vcPercent,vcThisRequest,vcPriorRequests,vcFutureRequests)
select @isid,'C',* -- '*' is shorthand for the seven column values being extracted
--from the grid data via the OPENJSON call below
from OPENJSON(@invC,'$.gridCellValues')
vcWBSCategoryCode nchar(10) '$."WBSCat"',
vcWBSCategoryName varchar(50) '$.Investment',
intSortOrder integer '$."Sort Order"',
vcPercent varchar(8) '$.Percent',
vcThisRequest varchar(15) '$."This Request"',
vcPriorRequests varchar(15) '$."Prior Requests"',
vcFutureRequests varchar(15) '$."Future Requests"')