How do I enable AUTH for Integrify to redis communication?
The following configuration files will allow you to utilize AUTH in connectivity between the Integrify application and the redis server.
- Configure the redis server
Change your redis.conf file to include the following line:
requirepass "thisisthepw"
Make sure you swap "thisisthepw" with your desired password
- Configure Integrify
Change your integirfy\app\webserver\server-config.json, adding password: thisisthepw to the redis section similar to the following:
redis : {
"address" : "",
"port" : 6379,
"password" : "thisisthepw"
Configure your integrify\app\settings\settings.config file, adding the following appkey:
<add key="redis_password" value="thisisthepw" />
Again, make sure you swap "thisisthepw" with your desired password
- If your redis server is remote to the Integrify application server, restart redis for the config file changes to take effect
- Restart integrify using the OnPremise Manager for the Integrify application changes to take effect.